
24 Etudes

DUHEM, Hippolyte Jeanイポリット・ジャン・デュエム
Hippolyte = Jean DUHEM / 24 Etudes

Izaidemu-Yukiminikorobu-Tokoromade for 7 Japanese Instruments

This is a suite of four pieces of music associated with Matsuo Basho's four famous haiku. I have tried to reflect the atmosphere of each haiku in each piece. The fourth piece (Winter) was conceived first, and by adding Basho's haiku as the title, the three remaining natural seasonal ideas followed. The piece was completed in this form, as a result of the composer's decision to freely use all the musical ideas within him, rather than sticking to Japanese themes and materials. The work was premiered on 20 January 2023 at the 238th Regular Concert of the Pro Musica Nipponia in association with the Japan Federation of Composers, performed by seven members: Fue: Shiba Yui, shakuhachi: Fuchigami Raphael Hiroshi, shamisen: Nagai Mae, biwa: Fujitaka Rieko, koto: Miyake Reiko, 17 strings: Kudo Hisako and percussion: Tomita Shinpei.
松尾芭蕉の人口に膾炙した四句にちなむ4曲からなる組曲である。 第一曲 (春) さまざまのこと思い出す桜かな 第二曲 (夏) 夏草や兵どもが夢の跡 第三曲 (秋) この道や行く人なしに秋の暮れ 第四曲 (冬) いざ出でむ雪見にころぶ所まで 「いざ出でむ」の句は、決定稿は「いざさらば」の形であろうと思うが、ここでは別れの句となることを避けて、初案の「いざ出でむ」の形を題名にとった。 それぞれの句の趣を各曲に反映させるよう心がけた。曲はまず第四曲(冬)が最初に着想され、題名として芭蕉の句を添えることにより、自然に残る三つの季節の楽想が追随した。邦楽器の合奏であるからということで日本的な題材・素材にこだわるのではなく、作曲者の内に在るすべての音楽的発想を自由に配することとした結果、この形をとって完成をみた。 本作品は2023年1月20日、日本音楽集団第238回定期演奏会 日本作曲家協議会との共催「作曲家との火花」において、笛:芝有維、尺八:渕上ラファエル広志、三味線:長井麻江、琵琶:藤高りえ子、箏:三宅礼子、十七絃:久東寿子、打楽器:冨田慎平の七名により初演された。

Cantique de Noël

ADAM, Adolphe-Charles (arr. SOKABE, Kiyonori)アドルフ・シャルル・アダン(arr. 曽我部清典
バレエ音楽「ジゼル」の作曲者として名高いアドルフ・アダンのクリスマス・キャロルをトランペット及びコルネットのために編曲しました。キーはC durとBb durを用意しました。無理のない方で演奏して下さい。

Poems of Fantasy

This work is a small suite of five pieces. There is a version of this work with electronics modulations by MAX/MSP. The electronics version was premiered on October 31, 2022 under the title "Ruins / Dusk / Shadows" at the concert "Japanese Composers 2022 Night 1" held by the Japan Federation of Composers, by Yuma Ohsaki on piano and Hiromichi Kitazume on electronics.
本作品は、5曲からなる小組曲である。 本作品には、MAX/MSPによるエレクトロニクス処理を加えたバージョンがあり、「廃墟/薄暮/影」という題名で、2022年10月31日に日本作曲家協議会による「日本の作曲家2022第1夜」にて、大崎結真のピアノ、北爪裕道によるエレクトロニクスにより東京にて初演された。

13 Pianissimo Exercises for noisy tone

SOKABE, Kiyonori曽我部清典
13 Pianissimo Exercises for noisy tone

Ave Maria (Gounod) for "Trout Quintet" Violin, Viola, Violoncello, Contrabass and Piano (optionally with Soprano)

GOUNOD, Charles François (arr. IMAHORI, Takuya)シャルル・フランソワ・グノー(arr. 今堀 拓也
J. S. Bach / C. Gounod arr Takuya Imahori Ave Maria for Violin, Viola, Violoncello, Contrabass and Piano (optionally with Soprano) This is the same format as Schubert’s "Trout Quintet". Good deal for an encore piece. Instruments; Violin Viola Violoncello Contrabass Piano + Soprano (option)
J. S. バッハ / C. グノー (編曲 今堀拓也) アヴェ・マリア ヴァイオリン、ヴィオラ、チェロ、コントラバスとピアノのための(+ソプラノ) これはシューベルトの『鱒の五重奏曲』と同じ編成です。アンコールピースに適しています。 楽器編成: ヴァイオリン ヴィオラ チェロ コントラバス ピアノ (+ソプラノ)

Ave Maria (Gounod) all 17 arrangements pack

GOUNOD, Charles François (arr. IMAHORI, Takuya)シャルル・フランソワ・グノー(arr. 今堀 拓也
Ave Maria J. S. Bach / C. Gounod (arr. Takuya Imahori) This package includes all 17 arrangements of below. (such a great deal!) For String Quartet and Piano (Violin 1, Violin 2, Viola, Violoncello) For "Trout" Quintet with Piano (Violin, Viola, Violoncello, Contrabass) For Woodwind Quartet and Piano (Flute, Oboe, Clarinet in Bb, Bassoon) For Flute Quartet and Piano (Flute 1, Flute 2, Alto Flute, Bass Flute) For Oboe Quartet and Piano (Oboe, Oboe d’Amore, English Horn, Heckelphone or Bass Oboe (alternately Bassoon)) For 2 Oboes and 2 Bassoons and Piano (Oboe 1, Oboe 2, Bassoon 1, Bassoon 2) For Clarinet Quartet and Piano (Clarinet in Bb 1, Clarinet in Bb 2, Clarinet in Bb 3, Bass Clarinet in Bb) For Bassoon Quartet and Piano (Bassoon 1 (also playable with Dulcian or Fagottino (Altoon)), Bassoon 2, Bassoon 3, Bassoon 4) 1 octave lower than other arrangements For Saxophone Quartet (1) and Piano (Soprano Saxophone 1, Soprano Saxophone 2, Alto Saxophone, Tenor Saxophone) For Saxophone Quartet (2) and Piano (Soprano Saxophone, Alto Saxophone,. Tenor Saxophone, Bariton Saxophone) 1 octave lower than other arrangements except Soprano Saxophone For Recorder Quartet and Piano (Alto Recorder, Tenor Recorder, Bass Recorder, Great Bass Recorder) For Trumpet, Horn, Trombone, Tuba and Piano (Trumpet in C 1 (alternately Piccolo Trumpet in A), Horn in F, Trombone, Tuba) For 1 Trumpet, 3 Horns (or 2 Trumpets, 2 Horns) and Piano (Trumpet in C 1 (alternately Piccolo Trumpet in A), Trumpet in C 2 or Horn in F 1, Horn in F 2, Horn in F 3) For 1 Trumpet. 3 Trombones (or 2 Trumpets, 2 Trombones) and Piano (Trumpet in C 1 (alternately Piccolo Trumpet in A), Trumpet in C 2 or Trombone 1, Trombone 2, Trombone 3) For Trumpets Ensemble and Piano (Trumpet in C 1 (alternately Piccolo Trumpet in A), Trumpet in C 2, Trumpet in C 3 (alternately Flugelhorn, also playable by Trumpet in Bb), Bass Trumpet (alternately Trombone)) For 2 Trumpets, Euphonium, Tuba and Piano (Trumpet in C 1 (alternately Piccolo Trumpet in A), Trumpet in C 2, Euphonium in Bb, Tuba in Bb) For 2 Vibraphones and Marimba(s) (Vibraphone 1, Vibraphone 2, Marimba 1 (any range), Marimba 2 (F2-C6 or wider), or 1 Marimba (F2-C6) played by 1 or 2 player(s). Also included an alternate Piano part and an alternate Vibraphone solo only Gounod’s melody) Or any combination of these arrangements All arrangements include Soprano optionally. (However very high range, it is rather for checking the original lyric on the score) (This pack does not include the arrangement for String Orchestra)
アヴェ・マリア(グノー)今堀拓也 編曲 このパッケージは以下の全17種の編曲を含みます。(大変お買い得です!) For String Quartet and Piano (Violin 1, Violin 2, Viola, Violoncello) For "Trout" Quintet with Piano 鱒の五重奏 (Violin, Viola, Violoncello, Contrabass) For Woodwind Quartet and Piano (Flute, Oboe, Clarinet in Bb, Bassoon) For Flute Quartet and Piano (Flute 1, Flute 2, Alto Flute, Bass Flute) For Oboe Quartet and Piano (Oboe, Oboe d’Amore, English Horn, Heckelphone or Bass Oboe (alternately Bassoon)) For 2 Oboes and 2 Bassoons and Piano (Oboe 1, Oboe 2, Bassoon 1, Bassoon 2) For Clarinet Quartet and Piano (Clarinet in Bb 1, Clarinet in Bb 2, Clarinet in Bb 3, Bass Clarinet in Bb) For Bassoon Quartet and Piano (Bassoon 1 (also playable with Dulcian or Fagottino (Altoon)), Bassoon 2, Bassoon 3, Bassoon 4) 1 octave lower than other arrangements For Saxophone Quartet (1) and Piano (Soprano Saxophone 1, Soprano Saxophone 2, Alto Saxophone, Tenor Saxophone) For Saxophone Quartet (2) and Piano (Soprano Saxophone, Alto Saxophone,. Tenor Saxophone, Bariton Saxophone) 1 octave lower than other arrangements except Soprano Saxophone For Recorder Quartet and Piano (Alto Recorder, Tenor Recorder, Bass Recorder, Great Bass Recorder) For Trumpet, Horn, Trombone, Tuba and Piano (Trumpet in C 1 (alternately Piccolo Trumpet in A), Horn in F, Trombone, Tuba) For 1 Trumpet, 3 Horns (or 2 Trumpets, 2 Horns) and Piano (Trumpet in C 1 (alternately Piccolo Trumpet in A), Trumpet in C 2 or Horn in F 1, Horn in F 2, Horn in F 3) For 1 Trumpet. 3 Trombones (or 2 Trumpets, 2 Trombones) and Piano (Trumpet in C 1 (alternately Piccolo Trumpet in A), Trumpet in C 2 or Trombone 1, Trombone 2, Trombone 3) For Trumpets Ensemble and Piano (Trumpet in C 1 (alternately Piccolo Trumpet in A), Trumpet in C 2, Trumpet in C 3 (alternately Flugelhorn, also playable by Trumpet in Bb), Bass Trumpet (alternately Trombone)) For 2 Trumpets, Euphonium, Tuba and Piano (Trumpet in C 1 (alternately Piccolo Trumpet in A), Trumpet in C 2, Euphonium in Bb, Tuba in Bb) For 2 Vibraphones and Marimba(s) (Vibraphone 1, Vibraphone 2, Marimba 1 (any range), Marimba 2 (F2-C6 or wider), or 1 Marimba (F2-C6) played by 1 or 2 player(s). Also included an alternate Piano part and an alternate Vibraphone solo only Gounod’s melody) これら複数の編曲から自由な組み合わせも可能です。 全ての編曲にはソプラノ(声)を含みます。ただし音域はとても高く、実際に歌うには適しておりません。あくまで原曲の歌詞を楽譜上で読んで確認するためのものです。 (このパッケージには弦楽オーケストラ版は含まれておりません。)

Ave Maria (Gounod) all 17 arrangements pack

GOUNOD, Charles François (arr. IMAHORI, Takuya)シャルル・フランソワ・グノー(arr. 今堀 拓也
Ave Maria J. S. Bach / C. Gounod (arr. Takuya Imahori) This package includes all 17 arrangements of below. (such a great deal!) For String Quartet and Piano (Violin 1, Violin 2, Viola, Violoncello) For "Trout" Quintet with Piano (Violin, Viola, Violoncello, Contrabass) For Woodwind Quartet and Piano (Flute, Oboe, Clarinet in Bb, Bassoon) For Flute Quartet and Piano (Flute 1, Flute 2, Alto Flute, Bass Flute) For Oboe Quartet and Piano (Oboe, Oboe d’Amore, English Horn, Heckelphone or Bass Oboe (alternately Bassoon)) For 2 Oboes and 2 Bassoons and Piano (Oboe 1, Oboe 2, Bassoon 1, Bassoon 2) For Clarinet Quartet and Piano (Clarinet in Bb 1, Clarinet in Bb 2, Clarinet in Bb 3, Bass Clarinet in Bb) For Bassoon Quartet and Piano (Bassoon 1 (also playable with Dulcian or Fagottino (Altoon)), Bassoon 2, Bassoon 3, Bassoon 4) 1 octave lower than other arrangements For Saxophone Quartet (1) and Piano (Soprano Saxophone 1, Soprano Saxophone 2, Alto Saxophone, Tenor Saxophone) For Saxophone Quartet (2) and Piano (Soprano Saxophone, Alto Saxophone,. Tenor Saxophone, Bariton Saxophone) 1 octave lower than other arrangements except Soprano Saxophone For Recorder Quartet and Piano (Alto Recorder, Tenor Recorder, Bass Recorder, Great Bass Recorder) For Trumpet, Horn, Trombone, Tuba and Piano (Trumpet in C 1 (alternately Piccolo Trumpet in A), Horn in F, Trombone, Tuba) For 1 Trumpet, 3 Horns (or 2 Trumpets, 2 Horns) and Piano (Trumpet in C 1 (alternately Piccolo Trumpet in A), Trumpet in C 2 or Horn in F 1, Horn in F 2, Horn in F 3) For 1 Trumpet. 3 Trombones (or 2 Trumpets, 2 Trombones) and Piano (Trumpet in C 1 (alternately Piccolo Trumpet in A), Trumpet in C 2 or Trombone 1, Trombone 2, Trombone 3) For Trumpets Ensemble and Piano (Trumpet in C 1 (alternately Piccolo Trumpet in A), Trumpet in C 2, Trumpet in C 3 (alternately Flugelhorn, also playable by Trumpet in Bb), Bass Trumpet (alternately Trombone)) For 2 Trumpets, Euphonium, Tuba and Piano (Trumpet in C 1 (alternately Piccolo Trumpet in A), Trumpet in C 2, Euphonium in Bb, Tuba in Bb) For 2 Vibraphones and Marimba(s) (Vibraphone 1, Vibraphone 2, Marimba 1 (any range), Marimba 2 (F2-C6 or wider), or 1 Marimba (F2-C6) played by 1 or 2 player(s). Also included an alternate Piano part and an alternate Vibraphone solo only Gounod’s melody) Or any combination of these arrangements All arrangements include Soprano optionally. (However very high range, it is rather for checking the original lyric on the score) (This pack does not include the arrangement for String Orchestra)
アヴェ・マリア(グノー)今堀拓也 編曲 このパッケージは以下の全17種の編曲を含みます。(大変お買い得です!) For String Quartet and Piano (Violin 1, Violin 2, Viola, Violoncello) For "Trout" Quintet with Piano 鱒の五重奏 (Violin, Viola, Violoncello, Contrabass) For Woodwind Quartet and Piano (Flute, Oboe, Clarinet in Bb, Bassoon) For Flute Quartet and Piano (Flute 1, Flute 2, Alto Flute, Bass Flute) For Oboe Quartet and Piano (Oboe, Oboe d’Amore, English Horn, Heckelphone or Bass Oboe (alternately Bassoon)) For 2 Oboes and 2 Bassoons and Piano (Oboe 1, Oboe 2, Bassoon 1, Bassoon 2) For Clarinet Quartet and Piano (Clarinet in Bb 1, Clarinet in Bb 2, Clarinet in Bb 3, Bass Clarinet in Bb) For Bassoon Quartet and Piano (Bassoon 1 (also playable with Dulcian or Fagottino (Altoon)), Bassoon 2, Bassoon 3, Bassoon 4) 1 octave lower than other arrangements For Saxophone Quartet (1) and Piano (Soprano Saxophone 1, Soprano Saxophone 2, Alto Saxophone, Tenor Saxophone) For Saxophone Quartet (2) and Piano (Soprano Saxophone, Alto Saxophone,. Tenor Saxophone, Bariton Saxophone) 1 octave lower than other arrangements except Soprano Saxophone For Recorder Quartet and Piano (Alto Recorder, Tenor Recorder, Bass Recorder, Great Bass Recorder) For Trumpet, Horn, Trombone, Tuba and Piano (Trumpet in C 1 (alternately Piccolo Trumpet in A), Horn in F, Trombone, Tuba) For 1 Trumpet, 3 Horns (or 2 Trumpets, 2 Horns) and Piano (Trumpet in C 1 (alternately Piccolo Trumpet in A), Trumpet in C 2 or Horn in F 1, Horn in F 2, Horn in F 3) For 1 Trumpet. 3 Trombones (or 2 Trumpets, 2 Trombones) and Piano (Trumpet in C 1 (alternately Piccolo Trumpet in A), Trumpet in C 2 or Trombone 1, Trombone 2, Trombone 3) For Trumpets Ensemble and Piano (Trumpet in C 1 (alternately Piccolo Trumpet in A), Trumpet in C 2, Trumpet in C 3 (alternately Flugelhorn, also playable by Trumpet in Bb), Bass Trumpet (alternately Trombone)) For 2 Trumpets, Euphonium, Tuba and Piano (Trumpet in C 1 (alternately Piccolo Trumpet in A), Trumpet in C 2, Euphonium in Bb, Tuba in Bb) For 2 Vibraphones and Marimba(s) (Vibraphone 1, Vibraphone 2, Marimba 1 (any range), Marimba 2 (F2-C6 or wider), or 1 Marimba (F2-C6) played by 1 or 2 player(s). Also included an alternate Piano part and an alternate Vibraphone solo only Gounod’s melody) これら複数の編曲から自由な組み合わせも可能です。 全ての編曲にはソプラノ(声)を含みます。ただし音域はとても高く、実際に歌うには適しておりません。あくまで原曲の歌詞を楽譜上で読んで確認するためのものです。 (このパッケージには弦楽オーケストラ版は含まれておりません。)

Ave Maria (Gounod) all 17 arrangements pack

GOUNOD, Charles François (arr. IMAHORI, Takuya)シャルル・フランソワ・グノー(arr. 今堀 拓也
Ave Maria J. S. Bach / C. Gounod (arr. Takuya Imahori) This package includes all 17 arrangements of below. (such a great deal!) For String Quartet and Piano (Violin 1, Violin 2, Viola, Violoncello) For "Trout" Quintet with Piano (Violin, Viola, Violoncello, Contrabass) For Woodwind Quartet and Piano (Flute, Oboe, Clarinet in Bb, Bassoon) For Flute Quartet and Piano (Flute 1, Flute 2, Alto Flute, Bass Flute) For Oboe Quartet and Piano (Oboe, Oboe d’Amore, English Horn, Heckelphone or Bass Oboe (alternately Bassoon)) For 2 Oboes and 2 Bassoons and Piano (Oboe 1, Oboe 2, Bassoon 1, Bassoon 2) For Clarinet Quartet and Piano (Clarinet in Bb 1, Clarinet in Bb 2, Clarinet in Bb 3, Bass Clarinet in Bb) For Bassoon Quartet and Piano (Bassoon 1 (also playable with Dulcian or Fagottino (Altoon)), Bassoon 2, Bassoon 3, Bassoon 4) 1 octave lower than other arrangements For Saxophone Quartet (1) and Piano (Soprano Saxophone 1, Soprano Saxophone 2, Alto Saxophone, Tenor Saxophone) For Saxophone Quartet (2) and Piano (Soprano Saxophone, Alto Saxophone,. Tenor Saxophone, Bariton Saxophone) 1 octave lower than other arrangements except Soprano Saxophone For Recorder Quartet and Piano (Alto Recorder, Tenor Recorder, Bass Recorder, Great Bass Recorder) For Trumpet, Horn, Trombone, Tuba and Piano (Trumpet in C 1 (alternately Piccolo Trumpet in A), Horn in F, Trombone, Tuba) For 1 Trumpet, 3 Horns (or 2 Trumpets, 2 Horns) and Piano (Trumpet in C 1 (alternately Piccolo Trumpet in A), Trumpet in C 2 or Horn in F 1, Horn in F 2, Horn in F 3) For 1 Trumpet. 3 Trombones (or 2 Trumpets, 2 Trombones) and Piano (Trumpet in C 1 (alternately Piccolo Trumpet in A), Trumpet in C 2 or Trombone 1, Trombone 2, Trombone 3) For Trumpets Ensemble and Piano (Trumpet in C 1 (alternately Piccolo Trumpet in A), Trumpet in C 2, Trumpet in C 3 (alternately Flugelhorn, also playable by Trumpet in Bb), Bass Trumpet (alternately Trombone)) For 2 Trumpets, Euphonium, Tuba and Piano (Trumpet in C 1 (alternately Piccolo Trumpet in A), Trumpet in C 2, Euphonium in Bb, Tuba in Bb) For 2 Vibraphones and Marimba(s) (Vibraphone 1, Vibraphone 2, Marimba 1 (any range), Marimba 2 (F2-C6 or wider), or 1 Marimba (F2-C6) played by 1 or 2 player(s). Also included an alternate Piano part and an alternate Vibraphone solo only Gounod’s melody) Or any combination of these arrangements All arrangements include Soprano optionally. (However very high range, it is rather for checking the original lyric on the score) (This pack does not include the arrangement for String Orchestra)
アヴェ・マリア(グノー)今堀拓也 編曲 このパッケージは以下の全17種の編曲を含みます。(大変お買い得です!) For String Quartet and Piano (Violin 1, Violin 2, Viola, Violoncello) For "Trout" Quintet with Piano 鱒の五重奏 (Violin, Viola, Violoncello, Contrabass) For Woodwind Quartet and Piano (Flute, Oboe, Clarinet in Bb, Bassoon) For Flute Quartet and Piano (Flute 1, Flute 2, Alto Flute, Bass Flute) For Oboe Quartet and Piano (Oboe, Oboe d’Amore, English Horn, Heckelphone or Bass Oboe (alternately Bassoon)) For 2 Oboes and 2 Bassoons and Piano (Oboe 1, Oboe 2, Bassoon 1, Bassoon 2) For Clarinet Quartet and Piano (Clarinet in Bb 1, Clarinet in Bb 2, Clarinet in Bb 3, Bass Clarinet in Bb) For Bassoon Quartet and Piano (Bassoon 1 (also playable with Dulcian or Fagottino (Altoon)), Bassoon 2, Bassoon 3, Bassoon 4) 1 octave lower than other arrangements For Saxophone Quartet (1) and Piano (Soprano Saxophone 1, Soprano Saxophone 2, Alto Saxophone, Tenor Saxophone) For Saxophone Quartet (2) and Piano (Soprano Saxophone, Alto Saxophone,. Tenor Saxophone, Bariton Saxophone) 1 octave lower than other arrangements except Soprano Saxophone For Recorder Quartet and Piano (Alto Recorder, Tenor Recorder, Bass Recorder, Great Bass Recorder) For Trumpet, Horn, Trombone, Tuba and Piano (Trumpet in C 1 (alternately Piccolo Trumpet in A), Horn in F, Trombone, Tuba) For 1 Trumpet, 3 Horns (or 2 Trumpets, 2 Horns) and Piano (Trumpet in C 1 (alternately Piccolo Trumpet in A), Trumpet in C 2 or Horn in F 1, Horn in F 2, Horn in F 3) For 1 Trumpet. 3 Trombones (or 2 Trumpets, 2 Trombones) and Piano (Trumpet in C 1 (alternately Piccolo Trumpet in A), Trumpet in C 2 or Trombone 1, Trombone 2, Trombone 3) For Trumpets Ensemble and Piano (Trumpet in C 1 (alternately Piccolo Trumpet in A), Trumpet in C 2, Trumpet in C 3 (alternately Flugelhorn, also playable by Trumpet in Bb), Bass Trumpet (alternately Trombone)) For 2 Trumpets, Euphonium, Tuba and Piano (Trumpet in C 1 (alternately Piccolo Trumpet in A), Trumpet in C 2, Euphonium in Bb, Tuba in Bb) For 2 Vibraphones and Marimba(s) (Vibraphone 1, Vibraphone 2, Marimba 1 (any range), Marimba 2 (F2-C6 or wider), or 1 Marimba (F2-C6) played by 1 or 2 player(s). Also included an alternate Piano part and an alternate Vibraphone solo only Gounod’s melody) これら複数の編曲から自由な組み合わせも可能です。 全ての編曲にはソプラノ(声)を含みます。ただし音域はとても高く、実際に歌うには適しておりません。あくまで原曲の歌詞を楽譜上で読んで確認するためのものです。 (このパッケージには弦楽オーケストラ版は含まれておりません。)

Ave Maria (Gounod) all 17 arrangements pack

GOUNOD, Charles François (arr. IMAHORI, Takuya)シャルル・フランソワ・グノー(arr. 今堀 拓也
Ave Maria J. S. Bach / C. Gounod (arr. Takuya Imahori) This package includes all 17 arrangements of below. (such a great deal!) For String Quartet and Piano (Violin 1, Violin 2, Viola, Violoncello) For "Trout" Quintet with Piano (Violin, Viola, Violoncello, Contrabass) For Woodwind Quartet and Piano (Flute, Oboe, Clarinet in Bb, Bassoon) For Flute Quartet and Piano (Flute 1, Flute 2, Alto Flute, Bass Flute) For Oboe Quartet and Piano (Oboe, Oboe d’Amore, English Horn, Heckelphone or Bass Oboe (alternately Bassoon)) For 2 Oboes and 2 Bassoons and Piano (Oboe 1, Oboe 2, Bassoon 1, Bassoon 2) For Clarinet Quartet and Piano (Clarinet in Bb 1, Clarinet in Bb 2, Clarinet in Bb 3, Bass Clarinet in Bb) For Bassoon Quartet and Piano (Bassoon 1 (also playable with Dulcian or Fagottino (Altoon)), Bassoon 2, Bassoon 3, Bassoon 4) 1 octave lower than other arrangements For Saxophone Quartet (1) and Piano (Soprano Saxophone 1, Soprano Saxophone 2, Alto Saxophone, Tenor Saxophone) For Saxophone Quartet (2) and Piano (Soprano Saxophone, Alto Saxophone,. Tenor Saxophone, Bariton Saxophone) 1 octave lower than other arrangements except Soprano Saxophone For Recorder Quartet and Piano (Alto Recorder, Tenor Recorder, Bass Recorder, Great Bass Recorder) For Trumpet, Horn, Trombone, Tuba and Piano (Trumpet in C 1 (alternately Piccolo Trumpet in A), Horn in F, Trombone, Tuba) For 1 Trumpet, 3 Horns (or 2 Trumpets, 2 Horns) and Piano (Trumpet in C 1 (alternately Piccolo Trumpet in A), Trumpet in C 2 or Horn in F 1, Horn in F 2, Horn in F 3) For 1 Trumpet. 3 Trombones (or 2 Trumpets, 2 Trombones) and Piano (Trumpet in C 1 (alternately Piccolo Trumpet in A), Trumpet in C 2 or Trombone 1, Trombone 2, Trombone 3) For Trumpets Ensemble and Piano (Trumpet in C 1 (alternately Piccolo Trumpet in A), Trumpet in C 2, Trumpet in C 3 (alternately Flugelhorn, also playable by Trumpet in Bb), Bass Trumpet (alternately Trombone)) For 2 Trumpets, Euphonium, Tuba and Piano (Trumpet in C 1 (alternately Piccolo Trumpet in A), Trumpet in C 2, Euphonium in Bb, Tuba in Bb) For 2 Vibraphones and Marimba(s) (Vibraphone 1, Vibraphone 2, Marimba 1 (any range), Marimba 2 (F2-C6 or wider), or 1 Marimba (F2-C6) played by 1 or 2 player(s). Also included an alternate Piano part and an alternate Vibraphone solo only Gounod’s melody) Or any combination of these arrangements All arrangements include Soprano optionally. (However very high range, it is rather for checking the original lyric on the score) (This pack does not include the arrangement for String Orchestra)
アヴェ・マリア(グノー)今堀拓也 編曲 このパッケージは以下の全17種の編曲を含みます。(大変お買い得です!) For String Quartet and Piano (Violin 1, Violin 2, Viola, Violoncello) For "Trout" Quintet with Piano 鱒の五重奏 (Violin, Viola, Violoncello, Contrabass) For Woodwind Quartet and Piano (Flute, Oboe, Clarinet in Bb, Bassoon) For Flute Quartet and Piano (Flute 1, Flute 2, Alto Flute, Bass Flute) For Oboe Quartet and Piano (Oboe, Oboe d’Amore, English Horn, Heckelphone or Bass Oboe (alternately Bassoon)) For 2 Oboes and 2 Bassoons and Piano (Oboe 1, Oboe 2, Bassoon 1, Bassoon 2) For Clarinet Quartet and Piano (Clarinet in Bb 1, Clarinet in Bb 2, Clarinet in Bb 3, Bass Clarinet in Bb) For Bassoon Quartet and Piano (Bassoon 1 (also playable with Dulcian or Fagottino (Altoon)), Bassoon 2, Bassoon 3, Bassoon 4) 1 octave lower than other arrangements For Saxophone Quartet (1) and Piano (Soprano Saxophone 1, Soprano Saxophone 2, Alto Saxophone, Tenor Saxophone) For Saxophone Quartet (2) and Piano (Soprano Saxophone, Alto Saxophone,. Tenor Saxophone, Bariton Saxophone) 1 octave lower than other arrangements except Soprano Saxophone For Recorder Quartet and Piano (Alto Recorder, Tenor Recorder, Bass Recorder, Great Bass Recorder) For Trumpet, Horn, Trombone, Tuba and Piano (Trumpet in C 1 (alternately Piccolo Trumpet in A), Horn in F, Trombone, Tuba) For 1 Trumpet, 3 Horns (or 2 Trumpets, 2 Horns) and Piano (Trumpet in C 1 (alternately Piccolo Trumpet in A), Trumpet in C 2 or Horn in F 1, Horn in F 2, Horn in F 3) For 1 Trumpet. 3 Trombones (or 2 Trumpets, 2 Trombones) and Piano (Trumpet in C 1 (alternately Piccolo Trumpet in A), Trumpet in C 2 or Trombone 1, Trombone 2, Trombone 3) For Trumpets Ensemble and Piano (Trumpet in C 1 (alternately Piccolo Trumpet in A), Trumpet in C 2, Trumpet in C 3 (alternately Flugelhorn, also playable by Trumpet in Bb), Bass Trumpet (alternately Trombone)) For 2 Trumpets, Euphonium, Tuba and Piano (Trumpet in C 1 (alternately Piccolo Trumpet in A), Trumpet in C 2, Euphonium in Bb, Tuba in Bb) For 2 Vibraphones and Marimba(s) (Vibraphone 1, Vibraphone 2, Marimba 1 (any range), Marimba 2 (F2-C6 or wider), or 1 Marimba (F2-C6) played by 1 or 2 player(s). Also included an alternate Piano part and an alternate Vibraphone solo only Gounod’s melody) これら複数の編曲から自由な組み合わせも可能です。 全ての編曲にはソプラノ(声)を含みます。ただし音域はとても高く、実際に歌うには適しておりません。あくまで原曲の歌詞を楽譜上で読んで確認するためのものです。 (このパッケージには弦楽オーケストラ版は含まれておりません。)

Ave Maria (Gounod) for 2 Vibraphones and Marimba (optionally with Soprano)

GOUNOD, Charles François (arr. IMAHORI, Takuya)シャルル・フランソワ・グノー(arr. 今堀 拓也
J. S. Bach / C. Gounod arr Takuya Imahori Ave Maria for 2 Vibraphones, Marimba (1 or 2 player(s)) and Piano (optionally with Soprano) Instruments; Vibraphone Vibraphone Marimba for 2 players on 2 instruments : 1st [C3-C6 or wider]*, 2nd [F2-C6] for 1 player, or 2 players on 1 instrument : [F2-C6] (generally most common Marimba has A2-C6. For the 1st part it is enough. for the 2nd part or for 1 player, it needs F2-C6 which is wider than ordinary) Piano (optionally alternative with Marimba) + Soprano (option) it includes the part for Vibraphone solo (only the melody of Gounod)
J. S. バッハ / C. グノー (編曲 今堀拓也) アヴェ・マリア 2ヴィブラフォンとマリンバ(1人または2人演奏)のための(+ソプラノ) 楽器編成: ヴィブラフォン ヴィブラフォン マリンバ  2人2台演奏の場合:1st C3-C6以上*、2nd F2-C6以上  1人演奏、または2人1台連弾の場合:F2-C6以上 (*一般的にマリンバはA2-C6が最も普及するので1stには用足りる。2ndまたは1人用のF2-C6はそれより大きい) ピアノ(オプション、マリンバ代替用) (+ソプラノ) ヴィブラフォン用のグノーの旋律のみのパート譜を含む

Ave Maria (Gounod) for 2 Trumpets, Euphonium, Tuba and Piano (optionally with Soprano)

GOUNOD, Charles François (arr. IMAHORI, Takuya)シャルル・フランソワ・グノー(arr. 今堀 拓也
J. S. Bach / C. Gounod arr Takuya Imahori Ave Maria for 2 Trumpets, Euphonium, Tuba and Piano (optionally with Soprano) Instruments; Trumpet in C (alternately Piccolo Trumpet in A) Trumpet in C Euphonium Tuba Piano + Soprano (option)
J. S. バッハ / C. グノー (編曲 今堀拓也) アヴェ・マリア 2トランペット、ユーフォニウム、チューバとピアノのための(+ソプラノ) 楽器編成: トランペット in C または ピッコロトランペット in A トランペット in C ユーフォニウム チューバ ピアノ (+ソプラノ)