Izaidemu-Yukiminikorobu-Tokoromade for 7 Japanese Instruments
This is a suite of four pieces of music associated with Matsuo Basho's four famous haiku.
I have tried to reflect the atmosphere of each haiku in each piece. The fourth piece (Winter) was conceived first, and by adding Basho's haiku as the title, the three remaining natural seasonal ideas followed. The piece was completed in this form, as a result of the composer's decision to freely use all the musical ideas within him, rather than sticking to Japanese themes and materials.
The work was premiered on 20 January 2023 at the 238th Regular Concert of the Pro Musica Nipponia in association with the Japan Federation of Composers, performed by seven members: Fue: Shiba Yui, shakuhachi: Fuchigami Raphael Hiroshi, shamisen: Nagai Mae, biwa: Fujitaka Rieko, koto: Miyake Reiko, 17 strings: Kudo Hisako and percussion: Tomita Shinpei.
第一曲 (春) さまざまのこと思い出す桜かな
第二曲 (夏) 夏草や兵どもが夢の跡
第三曲 (秋) この道や行く人なしに秋の暮れ
第四曲 (冬) いざ出でむ雪見にころぶ所まで
本作品は2023年1月20日、日本音楽集団第238回定期演奏会 日本作曲家協議会との共催「作曲家との火花」において、笛:芝有維、尺八:渕上ラファエル広志、三味線:長井麻江、琵琶:藤高りえ子、箏:三宅礼子、十七絃:久東寿子、打楽器:冨田慎平の七名により初演された。