GRUCK, Christoph Willibald

Christoph Willibald was a composer of Italian and French opera in the early classical period. Born in the Upper Palatinate and raised in Bohemia,[4] both part of the Holy Roman Empire, he gained prominence at the Habsburg court at Vienna. There he brought about the practical reform of opera's dramaturgical practices for which many intellectuals had been campaigning. With a series of radical new works in the 1760s, among them Orfeo ed Euridice and Alceste, he broke the stranglehold that Metastasian opera seria had enjoyed for much of the century. Gluck introduced more drama by using simpler recitative and cutting the usually long da capo aria. His later operas have half the length of a typical baroque opera.


クリストフ・ヴィリバルト・グルックは現在のドイツに生まれ、現在のオーストリアとフランスで活躍したオペラの作曲家。バレエ音楽や器楽曲も手懸けたが、現在では歌劇《オルフェオとエウリディーチェOrfeo ed Euridice 》によって、中でも間奏曲〈精霊たちの踊り〉によってとりわけ有名。オペラの改革者として歴史に名を残す。ただし、ドイツ語オペラは1作も書いていない。

1 件中の 1 - 1 件目を表示
1 件中の 1 - 1 件目を表示
タイトル 降順で並び替え 編曲者 編成
精霊の踊り 曽我部清典
鍵盤, 管楽
/ トランペットとピアノのための二重奏