Datura for Trumpet and Guitar
ダチュラ - トランペットとギターのための
Duration : 8 min.
mutes for trumpet: straight, plunger, wa-wa (also used without stem; written as Harmon)
Datura is a plant belonging to the family Solanaceae. It is called Angels Trumpet on the domain of flower shops in Japan, but on the other hand, rather in English it has the name of Devils Trumpet, as same as French and Italian. The flower is slender, and it bear fruit of the size of fist with prickles, and specially it has poison with all of the plant. Even the poison, it is common at many house gardens, and I saw it at the garden of Civica Scuola di Musica di Milano where I have studied coducting. Naturally I was interested in it, but even I have a habit to eat whatever plant everywhere, I heisted to eat it on that particular day. After I researched that plant seeing at another place, and I found it was a poisonous plant.
When I have thought a piece for trumpet and guitar, immediately I remember that plant which has flower like a trumpet, and curious form of
prickled fruit that likes a guitar. My resent works have often plants name, and it makes a cycle which has common language of my compositions.
Takuya Imahori
演奏時間 8分
トランペットのミュート straight, plunger, wa-wa (also used without stem; written as Harmon)
ダチュラとは、和名でチョウセンアサガオと呼ばれるナス科の植物である。日本の園芸業界ではエンジェルス・トランペットと呼ばれるが、逆に英語、フランス語、イタリア語では悪魔のトランペットと呼ばれる。花はスラリとしており、秋頃にはこぶし大の棘の付いた実をつけ、全草に毒がある。 この植物はその毒性にもかかわらず園芸植物として良く庭先で見かけ、私が指揮を学んだミラノ市立音楽学校でも裏庭の柵越しに隣家から伸びていて、その実の形に興味を覚えた。私は野草を何でも口にする悪癖があるが、これに限っては嫌な予感がして食べなかったのである。ある時また別の道端で同じ実がなっているのを見かけ、よくよく調べてみたら有毒植物であったという顛末であった。