Paraphrase On "Ein' feste Burg ist unser Gott" (Brass Ensemble)
There are several different versions of the hymn "Ein' feste Burg ist unser Gott" by Martin Luther including one arranged by J.S. Bach. This music has been composed using the materials taken from those. Beginning with a chorale by French Horns and Euphoniums, the theme is introduced from lower to higher registers and it enters into the part of combination of thick chords and fanfare of major triads. After a rhythmic divertimento with fragments, the theme appears again in tutti. After the recollection of the first part, the music ends with combined two chords, Bb major and F# major triads. It is an ode to Reverend Martin Luther and his achievement as well as a paean to the brass instruments and their ensemble.
This piece has premiered in the “Concert in Commemoration of the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation”, by the brass ensemble of students of the Seminar by Professor Kiyonori Sokabe of Senzoku Gakuen College of Music, Yasuko Ii (organ) and Prof. Sokabe (conductor) on October 13, 2017, in the Reinanzaka Church, Akasaka, Tokyo, Japan.
賛美歌「神は我がやぐら」は、ルターの原曲から、バッハによるコラールを含め様々な形が伝えられているが、それらを素材として自由に再構成した作品である。ホルンとユーフォニウム主体のコラールで始まり、主題がバスから順次高音に積み重ねられていく。中間部は長三和音を中心としたファンファーレが鳴り響き、重なり合い、さらに変形された主題によるAllegro assaiのディヴェルティメントを経て、トゥッティによるテーマの提示のあとBbとF#上の二つの長三和音 を響かせて曲を閉じる。ルターの偉業へのオマージュであると同時に金管賛歌でもある。