A Hundred Spooks Marching (Shakuhachi, Cl. Va, Vlc, 13-So, 17-So)
百鬼夜行 (尺八、クラリネット、ヴィオラ、チェロ、十三絃筝、十七絃筝)
17 years passed already since the turn of the century. If the year 1052 was the beginning of mappo (the latter days of this world), the coming millennium is soon to be reached. While the classic super-natural spooks had been all confined into the ancient books and pictures, rather living people now look like spooks.
This composition is pure program music aiming to picture “Hyakki Yakou” (“A Hundred Spooks Marching”-a Japanese tradition) with the ensemble of Japanese and western instruments. In ancient Miyako, a procession of a noble man was assaulted by numerous evil spirits. But because the people chanted Esoteric Shingon Mantra determinedly, those spooks vanished with agonizing cries under the ultimate power of Mantra.
This composition was premiered on May 10th, 2018, in the 22nd Indépendant-the Japan Federation of Composers, by Hiromu Motonaga (Shakuhachi), Atsushi Tokutake (Clarinet), Miho Yamashita (Viola), Akemi Yamada (13-string Soh), Miho Jougasaki (17-string Soh), and Asako Hisatake (Violoncello).
本作品は2018年5月10日「第22回日本作曲家協議会アンデパンダン」にて、尺八 元永拓、クラリネット 徳武敦、ヴィオラ 山下未歩、十三絃筝 山田明美、十七絃筝 城ヶ崎美保、チェロ 久武麻子、の各氏により初演された。