Luca Marenzio (also Marentio; October 18, 1553 or 1554 – August 22, 1599) was an Italian composer and singer of the late Renaissance. He was one of the most renowned composers of madrigals, and wrote some of the most famous examples of the form in its late stage of development, prior to its early Baroque transformation by Monteverdi. In all, Marenzio wrote around 500 madrigals, ranging from the lightest to the most serious styles, packed with word-painting, chromaticism, and other characteristics of the late madrigal style. Marenzio was influential as far away as England, where his earlier, lighter work appeared in 1588 in the Musica Transalpina, the collection that initiated the madrigal craze in that country. Marenzio worked in the service of several aristocratic Italian families, including the Gonzaga, Este, and Medici, and spent most of his career in Rome.


ルカ・マレンツィオ(Luca Marenzio, 1553年? ブレーシャ近郊 - 1599年8月22日 ローマ)は、イタリア後期ルネサンス音楽の作曲家。当時を代表するもっとも著名なマドリガーレ作曲家の一人で、マドリガーレの後期の発展段階において、クラウディオ・モンテヴェルディによる初期バロック音楽への過渡期に先駆けて、おそらく最もすぐれた実践例を残した。甘美な抒情性を漂わせた作風から、アルカデルトの代表作になぞらえて、「気高く優美な白鳥」と評された。

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