The Music from the Other Side
Will silence reign in death? In the agony of death, I might feel as if I can hear music coming from far away. I will never know for sure until I die, but that is what I thought as I wrote. The mixture of various styles is intentional. Shotaro Ishinomori once wrote in his "Introduction to Manga Artists" that it would be fine if all the different styles could coexist in a single manga, even if they were drawn in different styles. I was writing with this in mind.
This piece was premiered by Yoshu Kamei (vn.), Ayako Kamei (vn.), Kei Sakoda (va.) and Kei Yamazawa (vc.)
in the 12th JFC Composition Competition at MUSA KAWASAKI, Kawasaki, Japan, on March 28, 2024 and selected
as a runner-up.
この作品は2024年3月28日に第12回JFC作曲賞コンクールにてヴァイオリン 亀井庸州、加藤綾子、ヴィオラ 迫田圭、チェロ 山澤慧の諸氏により初演され、入選作となった。