"Where Do the Birds Fly Now" for Wind Ensemble
The great jazz musician, Joe Zawinul, once said, in order to compose a new song, he wrote scores transcribing tape recordings of his improvisation. He boasted that he could make as many new songs as he wanted because he had a lot of tapes in stock.
I learned it and applied the same method to compose this music. The main part of the music has been composed by writing down a score from the recording of an improvisation in mid-1980s performed by the composer as it was, and arranged it for wind ensemble.
This is an attempt to capture the momentum of music which is being created and to transform it into a large ensemble.
The title of the song is based on the novel by Koichi Yamano, the Japanese leader of the New Wave, a Sci-Fi movement, lead by J.G. Ballard in the 1970s.
This work was premiered on October 14, 2020, by Gendai Sozo Tokyo conducted by Itakura Yasuaki in the “Japanese composer 2020 D program” at the Wien Hall of Fuchu-no-mori Geijutu-Gekijo in Tokyo.
曲名は70年代のJGバラードなどを中心としたムーヴメント、ニューウェーブSFの旗手、山野浩一氏の小説の題名による。本作品は2020年10月14日 日本の作曲家2020 現代奏造Tokyo―吹奏楽の夕べ にて、東京・府中の森芸術劇場ウィーン・ホールにて、
板倉康明・指揮 現代奏造Tokyoにより初演された。