Oskar Böhme, a son of Wilhelm Böhme, also a trumpeter, was born in Potschappel, a small town near Dresden, Germany, which is now part of Freital. For much of his early career, after studying trumpet and composition in the Leipzig Conservatory of Music until graduating in 1888, it is unknown what Böhme's musical activities were, though it is probable he concertized, playing in smaller orchestras around Germany.
From 1894-1896 he played in the Budapest Opera Orchestra and then moved to St. Petersburg, Russia, in 1897. Böhme played cornet for 24 years in the Mariinsky Theatre, turned to teaching at a music school on Vasilievsky Island in St. Petersburg for nine further years, from 1921-1930, and then returned to opera with the Leningrad Drama Theatre until 1934.
In 1934, however, the Great Terror began under Joseph Stalin and in 1936 a committee was established to oversee the arts in Soviet Russia. According to its anti-foreign policies, Böhme was exiled to Orenburg on account of his German heritage. It is said that he died there in 1938, though he was also said to be seen working on the Turkmenistan Canal in 1941.
BÖHME, Oskar
オスカー・ベーメ(Oskar Böhme, 1870年2月24日 - 1938年以降? オレンブルク?)はドイツの作曲家・トランペット奏者。やはりトランペット奏者であったヴィルヘルム・ベーメを父に、ドレスデン近郊の寒村ポチャッペルに生まれる。ライプツィヒ音楽院にてトランペットと作曲を修め、1885年に卒業するが、初期のベーメがいかなる音楽活動を行なっていたかはほとんど不明である。とはいえ、ドイツ中の小さな管弦楽団で演奏活動を行なっていたと考えられる。

Displaying 1 - 4 of 4
Title Sort descending | Arranger | Instrumentation |
24 Melodic studies | Wind |
Liebeslied | SOKABE, Kiyonori | Keyboard, Wind |
PRÄLUDIUM und FUGA Nr.1 Es Dur | SOKABE, Kiyonori | Wind |
PRÄLUDIUM und FUGA Nr.2 c-moll | SOKABE, Kiyonori | Wind |
Displaying 1 - 4 of 4
タイトル Sort descending | 編曲者 | 編成 |
プレリュードとフーガ第一番変ホ長調 | 曽我部清典 | 管楽 |
プレリュードとフーガ第二番ハ短調 | 曽我部清典 | 管楽 |
愛の歌 | 曽我部清典 | 鍵盤, 管楽 |
24のメロディックスタディ | 管楽 |